You are currently viewing Day 13 of 31 Single Series: Looking For An Exclusive Release For “Breeze – Straight”

Day 13 of 31 Single Series: Looking For An Exclusive Release For “Breeze – Straight”

The Hunt

The value of building a solid relationship is indescribable towards success.

Sykeside Record’s main goal is to aim to please the fans of Breeze.

At this point, we knuckle down and start writing to many blogs in hope’s they would be willing to help us along this journey.

This is a tough process but we go the extra length for you!

Let’s think about movies or stores that open in your city.

When a movie is finished and ready to show to the public, only a certain amount of people are able to go watch the movie.

When a store is going to open in your city, they pass out flyers or they do ads to let you know about the opening of your stores.

We at Sykeside Records thought, why don’t we apply this to music?

Music is a business like any other business and like any other business, you should have a grand opening. We have two shops that are open for business which is our www.Breezemusic.Shop site and our site.

Now while those are the ideal places where we at Sykeside Records have writers that can do a great job of doing a press release or a grand opening, why not rent out another space where we can get different traffic that comes in and out?

The point of searching for a Premier Release is to rent a storefront for a day and display our goods to a different audience. The benefit of this is that our audience also goes to that storefront also.

We also have created merch that is available at the blog premier site first like shirts with lyrics or the single cover. This is made so the fans can get that gear first and is just an extra experience for them.

All Content Creators Can Use All The Music In My Art Gallery For FREE For Non-Profit Uses​

Fans of Breeze will also be able to purchase the song from that site first. We also love to know the feedback that the blog will give Breeze on the music.

We take the time to research a lot of blogs and find one that we think will be the perfect match for the grand opening. We hope to see you there!

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Art is the key to rising above our animal vigor. Don’t let our creativity, pain, and efforts get lost within the abyss of life. Take the time to share and appreciate the beauty of how we made you feel.

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