You are currently viewing Day 19 of 31 Single Series: Do you want to add Breeze – Straight to your personal collection?

Day 19 of 31 Single Series: Do you want to add Breeze – Straight to your personal collection?

Breeze – Straight

The Power Of A Fan

Artist are nothing without a fan base behind them.

Art is a form of expression that displays the artist inner working and fans are the people who can relate to their inner working.

Music is a conversation between artist and their fan.

When fans enjoy that conversation enough, there becomes an exchange of value in the fan collecting the artwork that they deem a masterpiece by exchanging money.

As an independent artist, I wanted to take a moment to talk about the true value of streaming and how it effects artists like me.

Streaming services have certainly made it easier than ever to access music as a fan but the truth is that these services pay very little to the artists who create it for their investment.

You probably don’t realize but the average payout for a single stream on popular platforms like Spotify and Apple Music pays less than a penny.

This means that in order for me to make a living as an independent artist, I would need millions of streams per month, which is simply not feasible for most artists.

Streaming services are designed to give artist a job by the model of those services and rewards those who continuously upload music but the cost to make a song just in the studio time alone wouldn’t be enough to make music a very sustainable pursuit as a creative.

Think of the streaming services as giving artist a job that they get paid less than minimum wage for what they create and make the artist pay to get that job!

That’s why I’ve been offer you an alternative way to get access to my art.

Rather than only being able to stream my music on these platforms, I designed it that you can attain my art it directly from my store prices at for $1.99.

Understand, to make $1.99 in streaming would mean that I would have to have 838 people come across my song to make this same amount of money.

You can gain this attention through creating tons of content but if you looked at [Insert Unit Production Post]

Streaming ensures the streaming services success and the artist burnout alongside being at the mercy of the services.

By purchasing directly from me, you are essentially right away becoming the 838 people who I would need to find my music all in one shot.

Not only will this help me continue to create music that you love 💪🏾, but it also ensures that the money you spend goes directly to fund future projects rather than a middle entity that determines the worth of my products to you!

All Content Creators Can Use All The Music In My Art Gallery For FREE For Non-Profit Uses​

I way rather be at the mercy of a potential long term fan, client, and friend than on a company who has the ability to dictate how little my worth is to them because my music doesn’t resonate with them the same way it does to you.

I even added the option that you can name your price to purchase the song!

Your purchase will certainly allow me to reinvest in my music, purchase equipment, pay for recording and production costs.

I hope that you’ll consider ensuring the success of me being able to further serve you with my music with your purchase.

Get 3 Free Songs and Coupon Codes

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Breeze tries to carefully write out each post and produce the product for his fans to want to share because Breeze tries to make them a part of his process. Advertising can work to give Breeze a lot of attention and bring people to his videos and his page and it may make a small percentage of people care.

The idea of the blog post was crafted for Breeze audience to build a more solid with Breeze and build an online word of mouth effect. I hope you enjoyed this experience and take the time out just to tell a friend by sharing this content at the bottom of the page.

Help donate towards the creation process, from the creation of these blog posts to the creation of the music, services, and merch we create for you even if it’s 1$.

PayPal Tip Jar


Art is the key to rising above our animal vigor. Don’t let our creativity, pain, and efforts get lost within the abyss of life. Take the time to share and appreciate the beauty of how we made you feel.

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