You are currently viewing Breeze – Straight (Original Version) gets declined to be added to a playlist due to creative decisions that are common to the genre but are criticizing the mix being quite and loud in parts. BLNDR may need a better environment to listen to music before judging music!

Breeze – Straight (Original Version) gets declined to be added to a playlist due to creative decisions that are common to the genre but are criticizing the mix being quite and loud in parts. BLNDR may need a better environment to listen to music before judging music!


We at Sykeside Records would like to give a great thanks to BLNDR for considering Breeze – Straight(Original Version) their Playlist.

Breeze will give his commendation on the record below.

BLNDR Review of Breeze – Straight

BLNDR Review – Choice of beat very nice, gives some OP Bounce vibes, HW&W back in the day. The vocals are well developed writing wise, but I think the delivery into the recording could be stronger, they also feel a bit dry, would love to hear some more processing, sfx, reverb, etc. Some parts are also quite loud while others are quiet, the mix is really the biggest opportunity here.

Breeze Review – I appreciate the reference of HW&W as I learned something new not knowing what that was.

I’m going to give a guess that what “delivery into the recording” could not be in the form of my actually delivery as in emotion and passion but in the form of the mix.

If you take a very good listen, you’d actually find no parts louder than another or lower than another due to a process in my mixing process of manually EQING the low parts of my vocals to match the high parts.

I call this step, VOCAL CONTROL in which I also apply less than normal amount of compression because of this method that I apply giving the vocal production a steady volume all across each element of the track.

What you are describing, is a professional done mix in where there are dynamics of the mix in where i genre a story based upon my mixing process in where i approach the mix as a artform in itself that I add slight effects such as Chorus, Distortion, Autotuned, Widen phrases through stereo, and even lower the volume of elements slightly before the chorus comes in and raise the volume in the chorus to make the HOOK hit harder.

My mixes are story telling which is what you will find within most top level professional mixing engineers that are less relevant or taught in todays environment because everyone is chasing a check rather than perfecting an art that is deter ermine to give their audience an experience aiming to rush excellence.

You actually got correct the underlying understanding of the mix while listening with a negative outlook not seeing the point is to create not just a HIT SONG but a song that is an experience rather than just a song.

I feel you listened in an environment that doesn’t serve dynamics of the mix and are not use to hearing professional mixes that are suppose to be dynamic in nature to give the listener an experience.

The effects are more plentiful than you realized and may not have a well trained ear to be able to identify well what is occurring in a mix that is a living, breathing, organism at every step of the production not being accustom to what a masterpiece is suppose to sound like verses rushed songs that are determined to be fly by night money grabs.

Thank you for the consideration and I hope the next time we do business, we can keep this idea in mind before we judge on how things are rather than how they are suppose to be.

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What can you expect on BLNDR Playlist Name?

From our observation of the BLNDR, Breeze – Straight(Original Version) has no real reason to have not made it to the playlist.

The songs from independent artist that we have listen to has less dynamic and have even verses that have been OBVIOUSLY punched in rather than a one take straight though session that you will get from Breeze – Straight(Original Version).

To criticize the RAW deliver and passion of a song like Breeze – Straight(Original Version) that you can clearly observe the finesse of which the delivery were not of a one take but punched in line by line shows less interest in talent but may be familiarity and relationships rather than the art itself.

There is no issue with social advantage but there is however an issue with unreasonable criticism of art that clearly out ranks what has been shared.

We want to thank BLNDR for this consideration!

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