You are currently viewing Part 4 of 28 “Loose End” Single Series: Reference Track
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Part 4 of 28 “Loose End” Single Series: Reference Track

Breeze Reference Track

The Freestyle Method

Almost every other song that Breeze has, he’s freestyled the lyrics or made himself a reference track. Freestyling is actually the best way Breeze has found to be more creative in his melody and lyrics creation.

Freestyling can sometimes come out like gibberish due to not being able to put words together well but the melody decision will be used. Breeze tries to explore different pitches when freestyling to give the song a different feel.

Sometimes freestyling create’s different types of melodies that can even reflect on the beat at times. Breeze will hear something and decide it would be better to make a break down here with a certain voice reflection.

Freestyling over a beat gives Breeze the freedom of being more versatile in the approach to the creation of verse and lyrical content. Breeze may make about 5 reference track for himself and choose things that he like throughout that process.

Why is freestyling over tracks better than sitting down and writing?

Have you ever heard the saying “It’s not that you say it, it’s how you say it?” This may be Breeze personal preference but sitting down and thinking about lyrics is the long process of song creation.

If you are in school and you have to study a chapter for a test and you just read the chapter through, do you think you’d retain all that information? If you had a study guide to help you read along with the chapter, do you think you’d have a better grasp of the information?

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That’s the main principle Breeze makes reference tracks for himself. A reference track is nothing more than a study guide to success for each song creation.

While freestyling, Breeze plays with the flow more than the thought of in the writing of the lyrics. Breeze then thinks of different ways to say the same thing and sing in a different pitch.

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Breeze then smiles when he records or look angry to try to emote different feelings for the same line. Breeze tries to hold notes to make the lyric sound different from the beat.

Let Sykeside Records below in the comment section, know if you’d like us to upload Breeze Vocal Reference tracks and we will upload it for you. We are not sure if this is one step of the creation process you’d like.

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—-> <—-

Art is the key to rising above our animal vigor. Don’t let our creativity, pain, and efforts get lost within the abyss of life. Take the time to share and appreciate the beauty of how we made you feel.

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