You are currently viewing Part 5 of 28 “Loose Ends” Single Series: Song Idea
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Part 5 of 28 “Loose Ends” Single Series: Song Idea

Breeze – Loose Ends

The Reveal Behind A Song Idea

We at Sykeside Records understand that coming up with the idea of a song is very difficult. If it was easy to do then, then anyone would do it and we plain out to know that ain’t the case.

With efforts due on our end and effort due to Breeze, we have looked into his process of how he came up with the song idea for the song *Song Name*. We asked him questions as to how he came up with the idea of the song that we think would be common questions.

Sykeside: From what you’ve got so far, what will the idea of this song be?

Breeze: It will be based off the people who came around me that I didn’t invite.

Sykeside: Did you have the beat made out in your mind before or was the beat freshly made?

Breeze: Freshly made!

Sykeside: When you get a song idea does it stem from a feeling you’re having at the moment?

Breeze: Most of the times yes or sometimes its what i see someone else is feeling.

Sykeside: Are all your music based on your life?

Breeze: no

Sykeside: Did the beat influence what the idea of this song would be?

Breeze: Yes, I wanted a more evil feeling to the beat.

Sykeside: If you could give this song idea away to an artist who would it be and why?

Breeze: Tory Lanez and only because I think he’s the only one who could switch as much styles as me,

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Sykeside: How did you come up with the name of the song?

Breeze: Those people are loose ends I need to cut off completely.

Sykeside: Who could you see yourself doing a feature with for this song?

Breeze: No one, it’s to personal.

Sykeside: What do you like about the song?

Breeze: The flow change and the production

Sykeside: Was the selection of the sounds for the beat difficult?

Breeze: Yes, I went though many vst to pick the sounds and even sound designed some sounds.

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Sykeside: What do you think will be the response to this song?

Breeze: Surprised because I have an opera part in the song.

Sykeside: Is this song for a female audience or male audience?

Breeze: Male

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Art is the key to rising above our animal vigor. Don’t let our creativity, pain, and efforts get lost within the abyss of life. Take the time to share and appreciate the beauty of how Breeze made you feel.

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