You are currently viewing Part 9 of 31 “Loose Ends” Single Series: Pre – Recording
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Part 9 of 31 “Loose Ends” Single Series: Pre – Recording

The Wind Before The Storm

We at Sykeside Records make sure that Breeze pre-recording is done extremely well. We make sure that the equipment is all set to the correct setting so there won’t be any issues.

We double-check the mic to make sure it is facing the correct way and depending on the mike the filter is eq’d correctly for his voice. We double-check the Pre-Amp drive mode and gain knobs to make sure when Breeze raised his voice it doesn’t go to a peak volume.

We check the interface Gain knob to make sure when Breeze records a loud vocal, the ring around the gain knob doesn’t turn red or peak. We turn the Monitor knob to make sure that what Breeze says can be heard in the headphone while he’s recording.

In the Daw, we make sure to level the channel the recording comes into to a level that it doesn’t peak. We try to make sure that we put ruff draft effects so we can get a good idea of how the vocals will sound sitting on the beat.

We let Breeze record and adjust the levels of certain sound that we can tell will clash with the vocals. We make sure that the drums aren’t too overbearing with the vocals.

We let Breeze take a couple of practice takes here and there to get comfortable with recording and reading lyrics. While recording we add vocal effects that match such as autotune, delay, reverb and distortion.

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—-> <—–

Art is the key to rising above our animal vigor. Don’t let our creativity, pain, and efforts get lost within the abyss of life. Take the time to share and appreciate the beauty of how Breeze made you feel.

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