You are currently viewing The Hustlers Bible Chapter 1( 2 out of 14)

The Hustlers Bible Chapter 1( 2 out of 14)

The Lack Of An Education Is The Root Of All Evil (The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword)

Break All The Rules You Were Taught

If your brain is like a computer, books are the rewriting of the algorithm that changes its features and functionality.

Sometimes what you learned is what is the biggest hindrance to what you want.

It is natural for humans to want better in life and want to provide better for their loved ones and themselves.

The solution many have been taught is to think towards working harder at work to get a promotion or get a degree to get a very good job that pays you more money.

The problem with this is the hidden forces of influence that create this decision for you.

This may not be a conscious decision made by you and who you are at your core.

While this may deliver results to the majority of humans who take this path, others on this path end up them becoming very unhappy or losing themselves in this pursuit.

Your life will usually be structured by your family, social surroundings, or significant other.

Whether you know it or not, these are hidden forces of influence that delegate your decisions which can hold you back from your full potential.

Life grants you full access at any point or age in your life to grasp it and gently guide it into the direction that you want it to move in.

The problem is, you have never been taught the principles of how to guide life in the direction you want.

Most humans you surround yourself with or have surrounded themselves around you are all full of potential.

These humans all have aspirations, goals, and want for growth to help them reach the highest point of prestige in life.

Unfortunately, the majority of humans will only ever be potential throughout their life and a minority will only reach actualization.

What the minority of humans understand that the majority doesn’t is that the true way to connect with your full potential is through constant separation, planning, and education.

This will be your guide towards the enlightenment of this process.

The sooner you start these steps, the sooner you will be able to help yourself and the humans around you.

Before you truly choose to embark on this journey, I must warn you.

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This is not a route for the weak.

This path will come with a lot of anguish, tears, uncertainty, doubt, rejection, and even possibly going homeless.

If you are ready to start, read on, if not, get a self-help book that gives you some mumbo jumbo and is not what I have to offer.

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