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The Hustlers Bible Chapter 1 (9 out of 14)

  • Hustlers don’t outsmart to the smart; hustlers just don’t waste time

The most important thing to a hustler is their time.

Humans rarely understand the value of time and what it means to us and how precious it is.

Let’s figure out together what this cunning word is.

Cunning is defined as having or showing skill in achieving one’s ends by deceit or evasion.

A real hustler doesn’t use deceit or evasion as a means to gain their ends.

Deception is the tool of a child in a hustlers eyes and a waste of time.

Hustler’s gain knowledge to keep quiet or try to understand that we don’t understand why another human said something different than what we know.

That I wouldn’t consider being deception but I would consider that, letting other humans live in their own space.

An example of this is, a human I was in contact with brought up that they thought a Brand Deal(they didn’t know it was a brand deal) was the best investment a famous human received because it was a large sum of money to represent another brand and was worth more than a famous humans invention.

This obviously was an incorrect notion that didn’t display the reality of the world works.

I just said ok and saw it best to not rock that human version of the world nor did I look down on them.

Believe it or not, I learned a lot about that human through that conversation because I can now understand what the human’s life is like, missing, and how I could have brought value if I chose to do so.

With that interaction, I knew to not inform him he’s wrong because that isn’t where he is at in life at this point but would rather give him an experience that would create value for him by allowing him the version of reality to stick to.



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