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The Hustlers Bible Chapter 1 (10 out of 14)

  • Continuously ask questions

Hustlers never have pride in what they know.

Hustlers know that they could always be wrong and that even facts could be wrong.

A hustler never goes into the room thinking they are the smartest human in the room but enters thinking they could learn something from everyone, at any age, and at anytime period.

Earlier, I mention that El Chappo is my idol.

I don’t discriminate from who I can learn from, what they did to get where they at, and I don’t care the time period.

I will learn from the worst president to the best president, to the worst figures in history to the best figures in history, to purchase books that I don’t know if I will ever need like books about science and even books on meditation and I don’t meditate.

Every human that you come into contact with as a hustler has something they can teach you that you can apply in your life in some useful way.

These things could be useful for simple day conversations you can have with other humans which will help build rapport or be useful in a creative manner.

Open your mind and think of El chappo as El Chappo enterprise in America as one of these pharmaceutical companies rather than the reputation he has and you’d see a very smart human with principles that you can learn from.

Shifting the way you think about events, humans, and stories that are told to you and trying to see how it is useful to learn from will help you to be more creative in your life plan.



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