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The Hustlers Bible Chapter 1 (13 out of 14)

  • What is money? •

Has any human ever explained to you what money is and why it’s actually not valuable?

This probably didn’t make sense to you because money makes the world go round.

A true hustler who knows what money is and will never value money but will value humans.

Humans make the world go around and money is nothing but a reward system for humans.

Money is nothing more than the by-product of how much humans respect your ideas or how you bring value to their life.

The more value you can bring to humans, the more money you can ask for and the more they will give.

As a hustler, you should wake up every day and think to yourself, who is in need that I can solve their problems.

Who can I bring value to and how can I bring value to them to help improve their life.

There is a popular phrase that says time equals money.

That’s the equation we are familiar with T = M.

I’m going to take a guess that no one explained it to you.

What is the price you put on your time?

When I said this you probably thought, ”well I get paid 9 or 10 or 15 dollars an hour.”

I’m not talking the price people in society tell you your time is worth, I’m talking about what is your time worth to you?

You don’t know, do you?

You never even thought about what your time is actually worth.

This is why most of your parents tell you that your solution is to get a job, not that getting a job is a bad thing of course but you never learned how valuable your time actually is.

See, most humans are used to or willing to let others tell them what their time is worth.

I don’t blame you because from the day you were born society has had a price on you.

More than likely, you were never taught how much you should value your time so you let the world tell you what you are worth.

Here is an example of how the world tells humans how much their time is worth.

That female or male in that nice outfit will cost you a baby that’s worth 12k per year through parental investment.

Do you have a pet?

Good that will cost you the same 12k per year.

Are you thinking about buying a house?

Know that the minimum will be $20,000 per year.

The world is setup to show you that everything has a price and that your value is based off of these prices.

So the question you need to ask yourself is, how do I turn this dynamic around and create a price for my time?

How you invested your time is how much humans will respect you, which in turn will equal money.
Time is an investment.

I think that this is so important to express that I have to say it again, time is an investment.

Whatever you invest your time into, will reward you.

Time + your education = money.

Whatever educational subjects you invest your time into, in the long run, reward you with respect and money.

Remember what I said, money is nothing more than the by-product of how much humans respect your ideas or how you can bring value to their life.

I don’t care what you have to do to get your education just make sure to do whatever it takes to get it.

Buy as many books as you can, watch youtube videos, read blog posts, talk to humans who are where you want to be or in alignment with your goals, and even work for enties for free to learn what you need to.



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