You are currently viewing A journalist at Esydia gives Breeze unreleased song “Loose End’s” an A- because they didn’t understand it was a story Hip-Hop song.

A journalist at Esydia gives Breeze unreleased song “Loose End’s” an A- because they didn’t understand it was a story Hip-Hop song.

Listening Time: 2 minutes, 11 seconds

Esydia: Hi there, we appreciate you submitting this to us. The vocal melody and flows were pretty catchy and appealing. However, we still didn’t decide to share this because we didn’t find something memorable enough within the production side of things. The production overall was just not up to quality for us. Hopefully, we can find a more suitable submission from you any other time. Take care and best of luck with your release Take care and hopefully we’ll find a better fit next time.

Loose Ends Cover
Loose Ends Cover

Breeze Response: Hip-hop has a histroy os keeping it simple on the production side of the music when it comes to story based music. This is a story song made so the the production can have appeal towards the lyrics and emotions of the vocals.

While it is simplictic in the production, it’s also complicated in the way that I pull out and put in different elements to highlight different aspects of the stroy and lyrics. I wish you had read the information given to you that explains this is a story song.

Thank you for the review and I hope my next song would match your genre category!

Breeze wrote and co-produced “Brand New” with the composer Pete Cruz. Pete mixed and masters the song. “Brand New* is available on YouTube and all digital platforms including Itunes, Google Play, Spotify, and Breeze Website.

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