I just want to set the world on fire, that’s just because I have a burning desireBrand New

Breeze is a U.S Virgin Island Artist,Producer, Composer, and Businessman. Breeze was first introduce to the love of music at an early age. Breeze’s unrealized natural gift for gab, his first song ever made quite a impact in his local scene. His first Single, “The Only One” got him local attention in Orlando Florida which lead to local press and interviews. Breeze then made a remix or second version of “The Only One” called “Your The”, which had more of an island flavor mixed with R&B that was quite an original sound that was unheard of. The Song “Your The” made its way to the radio station giving Breeze a good buzz locally and quite the following. Breeze then proceeded to come out with a mix tape called  “Project X” based on real life events. Breeze only put up 2 singles online called “The Voice” and “Stand Clear“, with physical Distribution in Orlando, Tampa , and Miami. Breeze then took some time to not only develop and shape a new sound and fusion of music and took on a the task of teaching a having Student. Taking the time to really shape and mold his student into becoming a composer and producer, his student is now versatile enough to create music in any Genre.  He now classifies the music(his sound) as TrapHall Genre. It is a fusion of Dancehall, hip-hop, Rap, and R&B. The current EP the Independent Artist has completed is called “The Pleasure Is Mine” is a direct focus on some events during this time.  

The Pleasure Is Mine Story Line

Brand New

True Confession

Anything Goes

Hating On Me

Brand New is about my true self and seeing the truth about dealing with a lot of things that went wrong in my life and seeing people who I thought had genuine love for me like I had for them but was extremely envious. Basically, it’s a conversation from my subconscious and my conscious letting me know what’s going on but my eyes choosing to be blind to everything. 

True Confessions is a mixture of different story’s that I put into one song. The main story of it though is that one night I got so drunk at a club with a friend and with my little experience of drinking, I mixed sweet with strong and ended up stumbling out the club and sweating all the way home with my words slurred. By the time I reached my front door sweating perversely, I ended up sleeping in the refrigerator due to my body over heating. This is how True Confession was created.

Anything Goes is about a situation that me and a old friend got into. There was guns drawn on both sides and a friend of mine was in a scuffle with the other person side mean while his girlfriend was in the middle of the situation. Not once did she show fear of getting shot by either side  during this event. I was so captivated by this event I wrote a song about it.

Hating On Me is a song about the confusion of why people hate in the first place. Living in a hard street life and getting what I’ve got through my hustle, I acquired all the skills needed for me to persevere and move forward.

The Only One is the first song that Breeze has ever put out. At the time period of when this song was made, his name was not Breeze alone but Breeze Representing. This song is about Breeze first love. Once breeze started moving around and shopping this song in his city of Orlando, Florida, this song was good enough to give him local press and radio play. This song is not available on any streaming services and can only be heard if you purchase “The Pleasure is Mine” from Breeze Website

Project X is a mix tape talking about the inside and outside of the street life he has lived through. He tells you stories through his eyes and his purpose in life.