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Gas Mask Magazine

Bloggers from “Gas Mask Magazine” says lately has solid vocals and lyrics.

Listening Time: Declined after 1 minute, 33 seconds 

Gas Mask Magazine: Solid work on the lyrics and vocal content on this track, but I found the melody line to not stand out as much as I had hoped to hear. Good potential though.

Breeze Response: While I don’t think this was a bad review, I do think this was pretty honest feedback.

I wanted a simpler melody to complement the actual verses of the song to give the overall story a cool highlight.

I will be releasing songs weekly so hopefully I make something that you will put more time into listening to and will leave a proper review!

Breeze wrote and co-produced “Brand New” with the composer Pete Cruz. Pete mixed and masters the song. “Brand New* is available on YouTube and all digital platforms including Itunes, Google Play, Spotify, and Breeze Website.

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