You are currently viewing Breeze – Straight(Original Version) didn’t make it on this playlist that graded the song under the category of excellence? WHAT?

Breeze – Straight(Original Version) didn’t make it on this playlist that graded the song under the category of excellence? WHAT?

HipHop Essentials

We at Sykeside Records would like to give a great thanks to *HipHop Essentials* for taking the time reviewing Breeze latest song.

The Song that came under review is Breeze – Straight(Original Version).

We do not expect everyone to be subjected to add the song to every playlist within existence because music is a subjective taste, but the review below well further explain the underlying issue with why the song wasn’t added to this playlist curator list.

Playlist of HipHop Essentials Review of Breeze – Straight

HipHop Essentials Review – What a stunning track! The passion infused into it is palpable, and it had me nodding my head in rhythm but the vocals didn’t quite resonate with me. I won’t be adding this track to the playlist, but I wanted to commend you for your hard work and innovative approach. Keep striving for excellence, and your talent will shine.

Breeze Review – Vague explanation of why the song wasn’t added seems to just be a money grab without cost.

Commending the song as innovative approach and understanding the hardwork behind the reccord displays a deeper understanding of music production also well within the realm of understanding the artistry within a song.

However, due to Breeze – Straight(Original Version) being a sub-genre of hip-hop coined Traphall, the vocal production approach that I took demanded my own style in which to keep it within the choice of the genre.

This isn’t even a deny of understanding the song and it’s striving to be of excellence but an admission of its excellence and yet you this curator didn’t deem it worthy enough for it’s monthly listeners to decide for themselves what they will deem the song.

I am perplexed.

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What can you expect on HipHop Essentials Playlist called “Playlist Name”?

From our observation of the “Saturday’s Rap Attack”, songs range from “Hit’em Up” by “Tupac” to “Regulate” by “Warren G” suggest that the song Breeze – Straight(Original Version) is not within the realm of such a playlist with its mixture of Classic Hip-hop that create a loveable aggressive vibe to melodic melodies that indicates its vocal melodies.

This is clearly a research error on our part for this decline being that a better fit for this playlist would be Breeze – Straight(Boom Bap Version).

We can certainly understand why Breeze – Straight wasn’t added to this playlist curator’s list.

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“HipHop Essentials”

You can find Breeze – Straight(Original Version) on this playlist in the top Position spot.

We want to thank Hip-Hop Essentials for their feed back!

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