You are currently viewing Day 10 of 31 Single Series: Mixing For “Breeze – Straight”

Day 10 of 31 Single Series: Mixing For “Breeze – Straight”

If you can’t see it, u can’t do it

The Reveal Behind A Song Idea

Mixing is the process of sitting on an idea and preparing for execution.

This is sitting back and thinking of each sound, vocal, and verse as individual parts and deciding what decisions to make where.

This is not always easy to do because of the amount of work that was put in because of the recording step.

At this step, Breeze wonder’s if he should re-record some verses or adlibs to make it better.

Should Breeze add or take away instruments or ever vocals to make it sound cleaner.

Are the effects good enough to function well enough with the beat?

How good will the experience be for the listener once this is all said and done?

Do we want to add a stop effect or empty spots in a song to give it a different feel?

Is breeze satisfied with the way the lyrics came out?

Could Breeze do a touch-up on some of the lyrics or are they good enough?

Does the color of the song that’s in mind so far good enough to keep that original color or will it change with the production step?

Is the way that everything is panned a solid place where it is panned in the mind of the listener or should we add a moving panning effect for certain instruments or vocals?

The is step is the principle before applying the art. this is the cooking of the dinner for the night.

This is where Breeze thinks of more of the dynamics of things than the sound levels. Instead of lowering certain sounds,

Breeze may push them to the back of a mix.

Breeze thinks about where he can add lower vocals to add a different feel to certain parts of the songs.

Breeze puts the levels of all tracks to the lowest to volume and listens to stands out.

Breeze thinks of how harsh to add compression to vocals to make sure every vocal has the same level no matter how loud Breeze sang.

Will Breeze add compression to a sound to make the appearance of a sound seem louder when you lower the volume to tame the sound.

Breeze also leaves the room to hear how everything sounds while the song is playing to get a different ear on how it sounds.

When breeze walks back into the room he understands how it will sound when someone walks to their car and it’s playing.

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Art is the key to rising above our animal vigor. Don’t let our creativity, pain, and efforts get lost within the abyss of life. Take the time to share and appreciate the beauty of how Breeze made you feel.

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