You are currently viewing Day 14 of 31 Single Series: Standout Song Lyrics “Breeze – Straight”

Day 14 of 31 Single Series: Standout Song Lyrics “Breeze – Straight”


Song Idea

Straight is a song about being able to to strive for success under any circumstance with your team even if its a one man team.

Stand Out Song Lyrics

“For this I had to keep my mind on my vision, anything I aim I hit with precision”

This lyrics speaks of failing your way forward rather than giving up.

Entrepreneurship is nothing more than failure after failure until the point of success.

“Double the play, Double the amount, while we stay out the fray”

Double the play simple means to double the efforts of working towards your goal and being compensated in at a increased manner.

Staying out the fray is defined as doing it in a way that determines safety of your hustle rather than to put your life in jeopardy.

“I’m in the lead so they gon have to follow, Think its a game you get hit with a hallow”

Music competition is broken down by many different segments such as style, flow, lyrics and such.

I’m expressing that I’m a top contender and dangerous if pushed.

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