You are currently viewing Day 17 of 31 Single Series: Exclusive Release “Breeze – Straight”

Day 17 of 31 Single Series: Exclusive Release “Breeze – Straight”

For the Fans


I’m glad you participated with Breeze on this journey because with you there would be no Breeze.

Breeze took the extra effort to learn as much as he can in everything to make sure to not only bring you amazing music but to make each post for you.

Breeze loves you all who donated to the process as a whole at the bottom of each blog post and who takes the time to read about his work.

Each blog post takes 3 hours to create and he does it himself to make it special for his fans to read.

The fan’s purchase of the music and the support given is going to allow Breeze to provide more music and entertainment for you.

Breeze loves the fact that you all share his post because these posts were made for word of mouth purposes.

Breeze wanted to give his fans a greater experience by *either a premier blog review or on this site* being able to purchase the song here first.

This was made in efforts to show the extra step that Breeze takes in his career.

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Thank you to those who show the support and purchase the Merch that Breeze has in his shop and sending me pictures of them wearing it.

To me, all of this to my life is a dream.

You have shown that dedication and hard work does pay off and you can achieve anything that you want.

Breeze gives a personal thank you to all those who participated in the music-making process.

Breeze also gives thanks to those who give him feedback through the polls and comments on the blog post so that he can learn where he can improve.

Breeze is also researching how he can improve his Platform so he can bring an even better fan experience.

With your continuous support, Breeze will continue to make music for the fans and new fans that come.

When more adjustments to this site will be made Breeze will inform you every step of the way also.

All Content Creators Can Use All The Music In My Art Gallery For FREE For Non-Profit Uses​

Breeze tries his best to learn everything himself so he can ensure to give his fan an experience that the fans know comes from him.

Sykeside made a cool feature on my site that you’ll be able to contact me or a team member who can get to me through the chat.

While doing music, Breeze is researching a way also to bring live video to his platform so look forward to that in the future.

The streaming will be for the making music process so I can make those people who are real fans help with the songwriting process and beat making the process.

Thank you for those who also bought Breeze beats and helped Breeze along the way towards this step.

With you all continuous support of the beats, music, and Merch it will keep helping me to move on the next skills he’s looking towards.

The last thing Breeze is looking towards is becoming an Artist that also paints. Please take the time to share this post. This is the best form of support that can be given to Breeze.

Help donate towards the creation process, from the creation of these blog posts to the creation of the music, services, and merch we create for you even if it’s 1$.

PayPal Tip Jar


Art is the key to rising above our animal vigor. Don’t let our creativity, pain, and efforts get lost within the abyss of life. Take the time to share and appreciate the beauty of how we made you feel.

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