You are currently viewing Day 18 of 31 Single Series: Release Date “Breeze – Straight”

Day 18 of 31 Single Series: Release Date “Breeze – Straight”

Breeze – Straight

My Appreciation

The efforts put into the release of Breeze records are done with great diligence.

I thank those who have donated, purchased Merch, bought beats, retweeted the music, shared on Facebook, danced to the music on Instagram, viewed the music on YouTube, and came to my blog to read everything is the best.

Breeze tries to put the most effort into giving you an experience that he would like himself knowing how hard life is.

Your efforts to doing these things are what makes Breeze keeps making music and wanting to tour.

Breeze run’s his business through the people so you guys well let breeze know where to go when it’s time to tour and will give you a backstage digital pass to this experience.

Breeze has worked very hard through this process and is proud of himself to know he has finished it.

Breeze took his time to really build on his skills to prepare himself for the world stage.

I just wanted to really say thank you and I love all my fans and supporters.

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Our Next Run

Breeze is already thinking of his next go-round or on the next song to come out with.

Breeze knows he’s nothing more than a speck on the internet so he is willing to put in the effort to make something of himself.

By the time you finish reading this, you have to understand that Breeze is already in the process of making another blog post to start this process over again for you.

Breeze gives this all his efforts because this is all he has to give the world.

Breeze is looking forward to seeing the same people who took part in the journey with him going into the next one.

Hard work is the only thing that will work so, I’m looking to put all efforts in to bring you all content.

All Content Creators Can Use All The Music In My Art Gallery For FREE For Non-Profit Uses​

Let’s Go Viral

Self-promotion is nothing more to Breeze but a waste of time and effort.

Breeze feel’s that if you promote your song yourself then you are only interested in yourself.

Who would support a person who looks to promote themselves rather than to bring to other people an experience that they can’t get on their own.

Breeze isn’t pushing his music video in front of your face and saying support me.

Breeze tries to carefully write out each post and produce the product for his fans to want to share because Breeze tries to make them a part of his process.

Advertising can work to give Breeze a lot of attention and bring people to his videos and his page and it may make a small percentage of people care.

The idea of the blog post was crafted for Breeze audience to build a more solid with Breeze and build an online word of mouth effect.

I hope you enjoyed this experience and take the time out just to tell a friend by sharing this content at the bottom of the page.

Help donate towards the creation process, from the creation of these blog posts to the creation of the music, services, and merch we create for you even if it’s 1$.

PayPal Tip Jar


Art is the key to rising above our animal vigor. Don’t let our creativity, pain, and efforts get lost within the abyss of life. Take the time to share and appreciate the beauty of how we made you feel.

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