You are currently viewing Day 3 of 31 Single Series: Beat Post-Production For “Breeze – Straight”

Day 3 of 31 Single Series: Beat Post-Production For “Breeze – Straight”

How Breeze was feeling

The main idea of the beat that Breeze wanted to portray was Ambition.

I wanted to create a sound scape that resembled triumph within the and a will to never quit.


Breeze made sure that the sounds had a a moving forward motion feel equipped to it.


The levels were adjusted according.

Some levels have been lowered and some sound Breeze used reverb to put the sound in the background of your brain so it’s barely apparent but it’s there.

The Principle Behind Post Production

What we at Sykeside Records have learned from Breeze is this very step right here.

Post-Production is looking at the beat at the point of a consumer listening to the beat.

Question: What are the first words that come to mind when you hear the beat?

Answer: I think of a couple artist who would do really well on it such as a Lil Durk or a Lil Baby.

Question: Is the beat happy or is the beat sad?

Answer: Happy

Question: What time of year would it be appropriate to use this musical composition?

Answer: I think its more of a mood than a time of year.

Question: Is it a summer sound or winter sound?

Answer: If I had to choose a time of year I would choose summer.

Did the beat outcome appeal more to a female audience?

Answer: That’s a good question and i’m not really sure but I feel like the way the beat is designed is more for a male audience

If so, should this be a girl I love you song or a girl I hate you song?

Answer: I feel if the subject of the song had to be about females, it would be a girl I got over you song.

Did the beat outcome appeal more to a male audience?

Answer: I’m not really sure but I would think more so yes.

If that’s the case, should this be a designer, beef, or getting money song?

Answer: Getting Money

Is this a beat that we should make Breeze himself use or should we make him sell this beat to his audience?

Answer: I feel like either way for this beat as to me its open for someone else to display their talent.

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Does the beat give the listener an in the car type bounce feel excited to get where they are going?

Answer: I feel like if you listen to the song before going to work would be the best design.

If so should the lyrics match a good playlist for a 10 – 30 min car ride?

Answer: Definitely

Would the listener dance to the beat and make a 60-second video for Instagram?

Answer: I don’t think this is a dance beat.

Is the beat good enough for a group of dancers would want to do full choreography to the beat?

Answer: For a group of dancers that break dance would make a good fit but its not inherently a dance beat.

Does the beat speak to an audience that would want to listen to it on the radio?

Answer: I think that the beat has a pop feel.

Does the beat appeal to only one genre or can it function across many genres?

Answer: Only Hip Hop.

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What artist can Breeze hear on this beat that would do the best job if they had lyrical content over it?

Answer: Lil Baby

Can the beat be used in commercials or for YouTube videos to get their audience hype?

Answer: Yes

These are things that we at Sykeside Records seen Breeze taught us how he views his beat.

Let us know what you think about the Post-Production process in the comment section below.

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