You are currently viewing Day 6 of 31 Single Series: Pre-Lyrics/Melody For “Breeze – Straight”

Day 6 of 31 Single Series: Pre-Lyrics/Melody For “Breeze – Straight”

When everything starts to come together

We wanted to see the progress of the song *Breeze – Straight*, so we had Breeze break down how everything is going.

As we get closer to the completion of the song, we’d like to know how the lyrical content and melodic ideas are coming.

Breeze gave us an awesome rundown on how everything is going to sound.

The Direction of the Song

Breeze decided that the direction of the song is going to go towards both male and female audience.

That at least is what he envisions from what he says.

The song direction has been tailored towards striving in the face of adversity.

The feeling that he said he is aiming to emit is one of conquering the day.

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I Verse

I Verse Part 1

Breeze wanted to get the flow into becoming something to bob your head to as soon as you got to hearing how the song start.

I Verse Part 2

Breeze decided it was best to keep the flow the same but give the song a little bit of reflection to give the listener a change in how it sounds.

I Verse Part 3

Breeze thought it would be best to lower his voice to allow space for the chorus to come in..

II Verse

II Verse Part 1

Breeze wanted to keep the hustle anthem going so he keep the flow consistent with the first verse intro.

II Verse Part 2

Breeze wanted to create moment in the song to leave space for the third part of the song.

II Verse Part 3

Breeze wanted to lower his tone against to give lead into the chorus.

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III Verse

III Verse Part 1

Breeze decided to keep the song short in order to allow the audience to get a piece of his first big release.

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