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Low Life & Misfits

Written By Breeze

Personally, I don’t like the rules society sets on us as a whole. I don’t like following the rules, I don’t like being told what to do. I do what I want.

With that in mind, let me introduce you to “Low Life & Misfits” it’s more than just a brand, it’s a Life Style. Think about it this way, we don’t compromise and make decisions based on what society makes us believe is right, wrong, or “cool.”

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Low Life & Misfits is about living on your own terms and giving the middle finger to society. We set rules, we don’t follow rules. This brand represents originality at it’s core.

While society says follow the rules, we say what rules? This brand is made for the people on the edge of society who take risks, makes mistakes and are laughed at for their mistakes but in the end still come out on top.

That’s some Real Gangsta Shit Dawg. We are low lifes because we don’t follow rules. We are Misfits because we are put in a box.

There is no such thing as a mistake just lessons. We are forever eternal and forever young. We move with style and grace.

This brand is made for those we don’t know how to blend into society. This is the reason we are a nation of monarchs.

Here’s the link to check out a variety of LL & Mfts merchandise.


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