You are currently viewing Part 13 of 28 “Loose Ends” Single Series: Production
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Part 13 of 28 “Loose Ends” Single Series: Production

Arroz Con Pollo

The Perfect Sound

The production step for Breeze is always exciting. Knowing that all Breeze hard work has taken shape from nothing into something is always amazing.

The decision that Breeze makes in the production step can make or break any song if it is a hit. Breeze make’s sure to engineer the song well enough to make listener have a warm or harsh feeling.

Breeze make’s sure that the levels on the beat don’t be over the vocals. The vocal can go into certain places when eqing to also have different feelings.


What Breeze learned through a lot of other track he’s mixed and messed up is K.I.S.S. This stands for keep it simple stupid.

Sometimes, to make some tracks sound very good is not to add too many effects to the vocals but just one effect would be perfect. Breeze used to try to mix different effects to give every verse a different feel and that didn’t sound too good.

Sometimes it’s best to have the same effects on the vocals and a different effect on the adlibs or just have both the same. Really and truly this is a preference thing on what the track tells Breeze what it needs.

Artist Point of View

Not only does Breeze have to play to him like the way his music came out but how other artists and industry people view his music. Production in itself, believe it or not, is an art.

Breeze always thinks as he sits back what if his favorite rapper or singer would hear his song, what would they think of it? If Breeze brought the song to an engineer who only does that would he or she approve?

Breeze tries to look at every aspect of the production as an artist playing music next to other artist songs and seeing if it sounds good.

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Listener Point Of View

Breeze as an artist has a hard time trying to figure out how a fan would receive his music. Breeze writing his lyrics and choosing to say certain words in different ways can sometimes pass over people’s heads.

Breeze has witnessed this happen with a few people he’s showed his music to and had to explain it to them. Breeze try’s to write some songs and lyrics in mind to who he thinks the listener is.

Breeze takes a step back approach mostly to the woman who would like his music. Breeze try’s to make sure he can become a fan of his music himself.

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When the plates clean

The most exciting part about finishing up a song is that you know that you loved what you created. The hardest part of finishing up a song is if people will love what you created.

What will the blogs say about your creativity and hours that you put into the process as a whole? Will the blogs or critics even give the song a chance past 15 seconds?

Will Breeze art be understood and lyrically did he deliver content that is replay worthy? Most importantly, did I make someone’s day better and did Breeze song connect with someone?

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—-> <—–

Art is the key to rising above our animal vigor. Don’t let our creativity, pain, and efforts get lost within the abyss of life. Take the time to share and appreciate the beauty of how Breeze made you feel.

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