You are currently viewing Part 6 of 28 “Song Name” Single Series: Pre-Lyrics/Melody
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Part 6 of 28 “Song Name” Single Series: Pre-Lyrics/Melody

When everything starts to come together

We wanted to see the progress of the song *Song Name*, so we had Breeze break down how everything is going. As we get closer to the completion of the song, we’d like to know how the lyrical content and melodic ideas are coming.

Breeze gave us an awesome rundown on how everything is going to sound.

The Direction of the Song

Breeze decided that the direction of the song is going to go towards a male type audience. That at least is what he envisions from what he says.

This is a song fully of war lyrics that reflect deeply on those who feel like they have that certain aggression right now in their lives. The feeling that he said he is aiming to emit is one of conquering the day.

I Verse

I Verse Part 1

Breeze wanted to keep the flow simple at first to ease every listener into the story. Breeze kept the cadence of the main melody.

I Verse Part 2

Breeze decided it was time to give the listener some more feeling to the song. Breeze decided to put more emphasis on the song lyrics and feelings.

I Verse Part 3

Breeze thought it would be best to raise my voice to show strength in the lyrics that he chooses. Breeze thought it would make it more appealing if he added his accent.

II Verse

II Verse Part 1

Breeze is defiantly aiming for revenge in the worst way so I wrote a revenge verse. Breeze wanted them to feel how cold things just got for those people.

II Verse Part 2

Breeze makes sure to make each end of a lyric have a sharp feeling to it to hit the brain differently. Breeze wanted to lighten that aggressive energy and sing some parts.

II Verse Part 3

Breeze wanted to show some lyrical adroitness while painting a picture. Breeze wanted to show his versatility also in his melodic choices.

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III Verse

III Verse Part 1

Breeze thought about doing a complete 360 in this verse. Breeze thought why not only show his versatility in his melodies and songwriting but also in the beat.

III Verse Part 2

Breeze wanted to keep things a little on the simpler side flow wise to ease the listener into what Breeze was going to do later on. Breeze kept the lyrics simple but still had some things that made them have to think about.

III Verse Part 3

Breeze decided to go in and put something of an Opera type flow and melodies while slowing the beat. Breeze went into complete beat mode lyrically and beat wise to make the listener know this is war.

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