You are currently viewing Rap Workout Play List Featured Breeze Latest Single Breeze – Straight(Original Version)

Rap Workout Play List Featured Breeze Latest Single Breeze – Straight(Original Version)

Instagram – Pablozuazo_

Pablo Zuazo

Pablo Zuazo Is a playlist curator for the streaming platform Spotify.

Pablo Zuazo Review of Breeze – Straight

Pablo Zuazo – Very cool track! We will share it! Good luck with the release! We would like to listen more from you as soon as possible.

Breeze: I didn’t really expect Breeze – Straight to become in the category of Rap workout music. While the song has a very high intensive and ambitious energy to it, I thought when creating it that it didn’t have a fast enough pace to be able to become part of a workout routine.

This information is gladly noted and written down for further playlist as such that I will be having my team pitch to in order to serve people in the gym with the essence of my nature!

We wanted to thank Pablo Zuazo for adding Breeze – Straight to the 59 position of their their workout playlist that you can view below!

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Pablo Zuazo – Workout Playlist!

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