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The Hustlers Bible Chapter 1( 1 out of 14)

The lack of an education is the root of all evil (the pen is mightier than the sword)

The lack of an education is the root of all evil (the pen is mightier than the sword)

A human with a gun can affect a community but, a human who sets the laws affect the world.

You are either going to define your circumstances, or you are going to be determined by your circumstances.

Do you want to set laws, or do you want to affect a community?

I already know the answer because you purchased this book.

First, to start, this isn’t a self-help book.

This is a hustler’s mantra.The reason it’s called ”The Hustlers Bible” is because this book is targeted at humans who want to understand a different way they can live their life and see the world.

What is a Bible?

In the origin of the word Bible, the Bible is basic instructions before leaving earth.

This Bible is a bible made for hustlers who want basic instructions for a better life.

Think of this book more as a guide for whenever you get lost and need assistance for your next move.

Not many humans know, there is a different way to view the world.

This book is constructed to help you along the way and give you insight.

The Huster’s Bible is something you have to meditate on more than once truly comprehend the message I’m bringing to you.

I designed it for the reader and listener to read it more than once.

Each time you reread it, you will get something different that will seem as if lightning struck your brain.

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Some of you may get ”The Hustlers Bible” from,, from a store, a podcast, a friend recommendation, or on an Online Ad.

In any way you received this book, thank you for allowing me to help you by giving you strategies to make better decisions in taking steps towards improving your life.

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Also, once you read this book, and you meditate on it, shoot me an email at with the title that says ”The Hustlers Bible” and tell me what you learned or if you have any questions that I can answer.

The need to become a hustler is even higher now in the age of the internet and artificial intelligence more than ever before.

Any human can become an overnight sensation with years of hard work or a viral moment due to social media and fade into oblivion the following week.

The way to hustle will always change but these principles laid out will always be the same.

Before we start, I’m going to give you several definitions of the word “hustler” so you can fully understand what a hustler is.

I researched the word hustler and the Oxford definition is an aggressively enterprising person; a go-getter and an example they used is a prostitute.

Interesting definitions for sure but very wrong.

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Enterprising yes, but I don’t know what to say about this and who in Oxford wrote this, but clearly, they never hustled before in their life.

How would someone think a hustler is a prostitute is really beyond me.

I checked the urban dictionary, and their first definition is someone who knows how to get money from others, selling drugs, rolling dice, pimpin or your hustlin for that money.

I think this may hold some truth to the wanna-be hustlers but the reality is that this isn’t what a hustler is either.

I do not endorse selling drugs or anything of the sort.

Also, stores are designed to get your money so there is no way a store is a hustler.

Another definition from the urban dictionary is people who are forced to use their brains to make it in this world.

They outsmart the smart, cunning, and has street smarts.

They know how to get money and are skilled at doing it too.

Also, they can be so sly that they can sell you stuff you don’t need.

This definition is more appropriate except that they don’t sell you stuff you don’t need, they sell you stuff they know you want.

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