You are currently viewing The Hustlers Bible Chapter 1( 11 out of 14)

The Hustlers Bible Chapter 1( 11 out of 14)

  • Can you really trust the decision of strangers to make decisions in your life?

This is probably the most important part of getting your education.

How much can you really trust another human to make decisions in your life?

If you follow any Hip-hop news outlet, Hip-hop has a history of doing artist badly financially.
The most recent case is a Hip-Hop group called the Migos.

They found out that they didn’t sign a 360 deal but something more along the lines of a 720 deal.

That deal was done by the label and the lawyer they hired is the same lawyer on the label.

Your lawyer’s job is to represent you as their client and make choices that would be in the best interest of you and your career.

This is why you would hire a lawyer.

The Migos thought as every human should, that they should trust their lawyer to represent them no matter if they come from the label.

The Migo’s found out that they were wrong.

That lawyer cared more about the label than the future of the artist they are signing to the label.
Who is to blame in this situation?

Would you blame the lawyer or would you blame the artist?

Remember what I said before that, anything that happens to you good or bad is your fault even if the plane you board crashes.

The blame goes to the group Migos because they should have done their due diligence or to simply put, go through with the lawyer what the details of the deal are.

They should have asked what’s bad for us in the future and what’s good in this deal.

What could be changed that we need to have fixed?

What could be different and how can these things be different?

They could of even hired another lawyer to double-check that lawyer to be sure of what that lawyer did.

Never trust a stranger with your career, life, or money totally.

As a human, you do have to trust other humans but the things that you can double-check should always be done by your due diligence that is important to your future.

In the Migos situation, humans only care as much as who is the highest bidder and in the long run, the label lawyer needs its job.



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