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The Hustlers Bible Chapter 1 (12 out of 14)

  • How can your education bring you love? •

Among humans, females are attracted to what they hear and males are attracted to what they see.

This is why females wear makeup and wear those tight-fit jeans that attract males and males say the sweetest things to females to attract her.

I am not telling you to lie to females because I believe in telling the truth when you deal with all humans.

The reason a male spends money to take a female on a date and this female would allow a male to take her is because she sees something in you that you could offer her for the potential in her future.

When the male spends money on her, it signals to her that she has some importance to the male.

If the night is good usually the prize is what humans were born to do or what all want from each other which is parental investment.

No female is untouchable to a male.

It’s all about the approach, their persistence, and what they’ve got to offer.

If a male really wants that female, you would have to become her number one fan because females are attention-based.

Everything she does you truthfully tell her about it.

Even if it’s bad, you tell her but also include how she can improve or do better.
Always make things positive at the end of everything.

As a hustler, who you attract becomes a distraction but also a by-product of your hard work.

You as the hustler also become a prize which dramatically turns the dynamic around in which I mention above of a male attracting a female.

Hustling is a dying art and hustlers are becoming a dying breed.

Hustling requires focus, discipline, goals, and a strong sense of self which many humans lack.



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