You are currently viewing The Hustlers Bible Chapter 1 (14 out of 14)

The Hustlers Bible Chapter 1 (14 out of 14)

  • The only thing that you can hold on to in this world •

Humans will have culture, people, ethics, inventions such as cars or games, or sports that will be here before they leave this earth.

You can’t own culture but you can be a part of a culture.

You can’t own another human but you can spend your time with them.

You can follow the ethics of the day but you can’t necessarily create ethics for other humans.

You can create an invention and own it but it can become not useful if someone creates a similar product that makes your product absolute.

You can create a sport but it doesn’t mean it will get popular or you will be recognized every time that sport is played.

The only thing you can hold on to in this world is your education.

What you learn and how you learn about different subjects or cultures are important to how you operate in the world.

In fact, this is the only way you will understand how to interact with many people with different upbringings.

If you are from America and you decide to visit Japan and interact with people from that culture without proper education, chances are you will do things that are very disrespectful due to a cultural gap in methods of interaction.

Your education of that Culture will allow you to interact and interpret humans who are permanent residents of that area.

The same thing happens when you interact with a different culture of people who inhabit some parts of America.

Humans may or may not stay in your life and cultures, and ethics may change, but the different types of education you attain will be the only thing that remains.



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