You are currently viewing The Hustlers Bible Chapter 1( 3 out of 14)

The Hustlers Bible Chapter 1( 3 out of 14)

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• The need for constant separation •

Life has a way of pulling humans in every direction without them noticing why they are being pulled in many directions they may not have made wanted to take.

To give you a visual example of how this is happening to you, I want you to get creative and imagine yourself with hands placed on every one of these body parts on your body.

Mentality place a hand on your left leg, right leg, left arm, right arm, and head, and imagine now that they are all pulling away from you.

These arms are the representation of the shows you watch, your family, your social life, your bills, and your job.

All of these things are creating a reality that is not of your making and is shaping the income and the outcome of your life.

Without you noticing, you will be losing yourself in a world that has been created for you.
This force creates a kind of constant state of anxiety and depression that builds up over time.

Before you know it, you are mentally drained from all the responsibilities of your daily commutes.

You will lose yourself and when things go wrong, all the weight of this force will create a sort of anguish that makes many humans think that drugs are the way to fix your problem.

Life is long and full of hardship at every turn.

Every situation you try to acquire or get yourself into will bring other variables that may or may not swing your way.

Drugs will never be the solution.

The reason humans get addicted to drugs is because it is a quick superficial fix, and it alters the way they perceive reality.

They get addicted to the feeling of something new rather than the drug itself.

They are constantly chasing a feeling that drugs give them and not the drug.

Separation from around those things will help you pull back from the world and help you get to know who you are again.

Your first step towards changing this process is by making sure to make time for yourself to create something for yourself to share with the world.

This could be writing a book, painting a painting, writing in a journal about your week or how you’ve been feeling, or constantly updating your life plan.

Make it a practice to constantly make time for you and how you have been feeling and what you have been learning or doing.

This will ease the wanting to escape reality and help you gain a clearer vision of who you are and where you want to go in life.

This will not only change the way you think but the humans with who you want to spend your day-to-day time.

There are two types of beings that live in your body.

There is a lower being and a higher being.

The goal of content separation is to reach that higher being that operates on a higher frequency and not fall back into the lower being of your existence.

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