You are currently viewing The Hustlers Bible Chapter 1 (6 out of 14)

The Hustlers Bible Chapter 1 (6 out of 14)

  • Risk = Ignorance and Knowledge = Understanding.

There is a difference between having an academic education and self-education.

The academic education allows you to put yourself in debt to surround yourself with humans who are chasing the same dream or field as you are, and set up in an environment that dictates what you learn, which leaves little room to grow outside your field of expertise.

A self-education allows you to explore all the field’s you are interested in, be able to maneuver through any environment to be valuable, learn at your own pace, which allows you to be able to charge more for your service or products because of who you serve will be able to save time by coming to you alone.

The world needs humans who specialize in fields that are good in one field of studies such as doctors and police officers to help save the lives of the hustlers of the world.

The difference between an academic degree and self-education is that your academic degree allows you to master your field and your self-education allows you to master life.

A limited amount of education will bring you a limited amount of results, choices, judgments, and problem-solving abilities.

Quick side note, did you know that you are who you are at the age of 7.

This means even at the age of 50 your mind will be of a 7-year-old unless you work your brain muscles with different types of education.

Everything that happens good or bad from Racism, Sexism, hate crimes against a humans sexual preference, for or against Open Marriages, for or against Marital choices such as Polygamy, Murder, Robbery, Domestic Violence, hate or disdain due to religious views or any other type of violence will always lead back to an lack of an education.

If humans were taught about these things and they have the knowledge of why these things are good or bad we’d have a lot less of what we see that goes on in the world.

Unfortunately, this right now to me is nothing more than a personal ideal because I know this will never come true.

Before you ever judge someone or their opinion, make a decision that something is wrong or right, think another human is lying or telling the truth, make sure you educate yourself first.
You want to get every type of education possible, from anyone you can get it from, and from every place.

When a human doesn’t have a hustle of their own, they will have hate to replace that hustle.
Anything money touches a hustler is not allowed to hate.

That is law.

What does money touch?

The world and everything in it.

A hustler doesn’t have time for hate, ill judgment (unless it’s indignation against humans who do bad things), have bad intentions, or murder.

For this reason alone, every single subject a human learns will at some point in their life, can be applied.

I’m sure you’ve never been told this but I’m going to give an example of what I mean.

How can calculus apply to your life even if you’re not going to be a mathematician, engineer, or astronaut?

First, we have to understand what calculus is.

Calculus is defined as the mathematical study of continuous change, in the same way, that geometry is the study of shape and algebra is the study of generalizations of arithmetic operations.

This means, if you’ve used a calculator then you’ve applied the study of calculus.

Where would else do you think you could use calculus?

Calculus is used in your everyday life.

Your doctor uses calculus.

How do you think they know how to figure out the right dosage of a drug to give you to fix your problem?

Every time you cook you use calculus.

You have to put just the right amount of salt and seasoning to make the food just right.
What does calculus mean to a hustler?



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Calculus to a hustler is taking a non-existing creation or problem that you don’t know how to fix and figure out the how, what, when, and where you can get everything done.

The only thing a hustler doesn’t care about when it comes to business is the “why” because the “why” visits the past of something rather than the “how” to correct things.

This means if there is a problem in the world, your friend’s life, your family’s life, or anything you can see, you will use your head in order to fix it.

Calculus is also used in business.

As I’ve previously mentioned, A broke human isn’t one with no money, it’s a human with no plan.
Your lack of an education plays a part in your everyday downfalls and wins.

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