You are currently viewing The Hustlers Bible Chapter 1( 8 out of 14)

The Hustlers Bible Chapter 1( 8 out of 14)

  • Price is never the issue

I can’t tell if most humans simply lie to themselves or don’t know they lie to themselves when it comes to price or what, but I know at the core of every purchase is never the price.

Humans make purchases based on how it will make them feel, the experience they will have, how it will make them look, or what benefit something has for them.

I will give you a perfect example, it cost at this moment to get on a song with me, $50,000.

Most people who aren’t hustlers, don’t understand business, or don’t understand how to bring value to others would think that this is crazy.

Now let’s say that you are a male or female that paid $50,000 for a feature and these were the benefits that come along with this price would be, I take you on a six-month tour that all the hotels are paid for, in each city, there is a street team waiting to help promote our song through custom flyers, we have ads being pushed online and on the radio in each city months before we go, plus I give you your $50,000 back if you don’t double your money on tour.

This would now mean that either way you’re not losing money, all you have to gain is a good time, you get to be around me, free promotion for a couple of states, you get to travel, an experience that not a lot of humans will experience in their lifetime, and you get some females or males depending on what you like.

Even if it was just for the song to be capable of having a moment with me with how busy I keep myself because you find it valuable amount your peer group would still be a valid reason without all of that to purchase a feature.

Now, does $50,000 now sound like a lot of money?

Do you think humans will find a way to get this type of money?

Would you do whatever it takes to get this type of money?

Do you now think that price is an issue?

What I just did there is set the law.



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I choose my prices and no matter what another human “thinks” or “feels”, I don’t have to budge unless I want to.

But in order to do something like this, I have had the education and the know-how.

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