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The Hustlers Bible Chapter 1 (4 out of 14)

  • A broke human isn’t one with no money, it’s a human with no plan •

An unhappy life is a life not planned, but a planned life is a life filled with happiness.

In your separation, the most important thing you need to do is create a plan for your life.

The plan every human should create for themselves is called a Life Plan.

A life plan is something that humans create that is alive, forever growing, and easily adaptable to changes written down to see their life.

It is something that predicts the future, gives them an idea of the moment, and creates the past.

While I don’t think that living by fate isn’t a bad lifestyle choice for the many but for a hustler, you can’t let fate alone be the only dictator for your life.

A life plan will take the fate of external situations and turn them into internal circumstances.

The sooner you begin to create one of these plans, the better you will be at handling life.

The purpose of a life plan is to keep an eye on your life and the direction that it has taken.

This life plan will help you understand how to update your life, the direction it took you in, know if the path you are on will lead you to where you wanted to go or if you’re going to change your life into another direction.

This will also help improve your confidence, self-image and bring structure to your life.

The sooner you start this, the sooner you realize that most humans are just wondering through life with no set direction.

They don’t actually know what they are going to do tomorrow and they don’t remember what they did last week or even yesterday.

A life plan will help bring conscious awareness to how you spend your time, who you should be spending your time with or who you should not, and what you should be doing with your time.

Your plan should be strict enough to be a guiding force towards what you want and loose enough that if something changes so you can simply learn something new to adapt towards your goals.

I’m not saying you need to create a business to be a hustler but a life plan will help you tremendously even when it comes to your finances.

Learning to create a plan for yourself is something that I think should be taught in each household and, if not, then in schools.

The schooling system from the age of 4 – 19 creates a plan for you.

This may not be bad for every human but not every human has been made consciously aware of this.

If they explained that they are making plans for your life in a sort of industrial-type way and that you are well within your reach to make plans for yourself through that system, in my opinion, the schooling system would be better.

The way to turn this around is by looking at the academic system as a whole and making a loose plan that can fit any life-changing circumstances.

What in turn, will happen is, you will build the skills needed to know where you need to go or what you need to do in order to line things up that are within the plans of your life.

With a life plan, you would understand that no matter the situation or what happened in your life, it is your fault, and it will always lead back to the lack of your education.

This might of thrown you off because you think things can occur outside your control but in fact everything is well inside your control.

If you are driving in your car and another car crashes into you or you crash into your vehicle, that would be your fault.

If you get on a plane and it crashes and hurts other humans alongside yourself while you boarded that plane, understand that is your fault.

You probably thought,” how the hell would any of these things be my fault”?

It’s pretty simple if you think about it, before you got into that car, did you check to see if everything was working properly?

When that person crashed into you, were you checking your surroundings well enough to know if you could have avoided that crash.

Before you got on that plane, did you ask if they did an inspection and if they did, could you see it?

Did you ask the human who you give your information to board the plane to keep a continuous schedule of the updates on the aircraft you board in plain sight so all the humans boarding can see it?

If you understand this, you’d understand why everything that happened to you is your fault.
This doesn’t mean you don’t sue or take legal action is what I’m saying.

I’m just saying, you’d handle the situation better, be calmer, and realize your ignorance played a part in the social dynamics.

Humans would also carelessly tell you it’s risky to become a painting artist, musician, or get wealthy, but those same the same humans who would play the lottery without understanding the chances.

I’m not saying playing the lottery is bad or you shouldn’t play the lottery but you can’t plan to win the lottery so that’s a waste of time.

There is only the factor of chance when it comes to winning the lottery and it is determined by so many factors that it’s close to impossible to calculate.

The decision to get every type of education and make a life plan is a way better strategy to have financial freedom.

Risk is only applied when there is no education.

The only risk humans have in this world will always lead back to be a lack of education.



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