You are currently viewing The Hustlers Bible Chapter 1 (5 out of 14)

The Hustlers Bible Chapter 1 (5 out of 14)

  • Constantly educate yourself •

You are what you eat and you also are what you listen to.

Has any one ever told you the importance of getting your education rather than your schooling?

I’m gonna take a guess and say NO, which is why most humans don’t constantly chase it or don’t know to chase it at all.

You are just born, ran through a schooling system, told what you’re allowed to learn, with no type of explanation of why you need to learn, and you never questioned it.

On top of that, the schooling system to most humans is boring because you are not even sure why you’re there.

The reason getting your education is boring or you find it not worth getting is because no one took the time to explain how different types of education can be applied in your personal life.

With a better understanding of why your education is important, you will want to pay attention in school and use your time to self-educate yourself outside of this system as an added advantage.

I’m going to give you an example of what I mean it’s important to get every type of education.

Try and look back at your life and think of the problems that occurred and you’d realize those things happened due to your lack of an education.

Did you know that the reason behind your excuses is a lack of education?

When you think about this at first, it may seem crazy but it is very much true.

Humans only make excuses of why they didn’t do something, why something didn’t happen, or why things went wrong and no matter what they say to themselves or other humans, understand it’s all because of a lack of an education.

I’m going to give you a perfect example of what I mean, if you were a smoker and you knew in with certainty that in five years you would lose a leg, a lung, and your throat, would stop smoking?

Of course, you would because you knew it would happen.

If you knew that in 5 years your weight will explode and put you in a wheelchair and put you in so much pain that you wish you’d die, I’m sure right now you’d start working out.

Why do you think things like this happen to humans or the reason humans make excuses not to do something?

It’s all because they didn’t do the research to figure out if certain activities will put them in a bad situation or they don’t have enough information to understand why not to make an excuse to get things done.

Humans rarely educate themselves on the long-term effects of their habits or things they participate in daily to understand the consequences.



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