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Biscuit Squad

The playlist owner Biscuit Squad gives Breeze unreleased track an A- because they don’t like the grittiness of Traphall music.

Listening Time: 58 seconds

Biscuit Squad: I enjoyed the flow and vocal texture but didn’t like the beat much, vocal mix could be cleaner as well.

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Breeze Response: I can understand this being your a listner of music and not an engineer. The genre type that I created is called Traphall music. Trap music is usually more on the gritty side instead of cleaner vocals that standout in the mix.

The beat is meant to be minimalistic due to the number of vocal genre switches and flow changes throughout the song. A genre like this is meant to highlight the artist more than the bounce of the beat.

I can understand this review because this is the first introduction to this style of genre.

Thank you very much for the feedback and hopefully my next song is in a genre you review!

Breeze wrote and co-produced “Brand New” with the composer Pete Cruz. Pete mixed and masters the song. “Brand New* is available on YouTube and all digital platforms including Itunes, Google Play, Spotify, and Breeze Website.

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